
false action中文是什么意思

  • 误动作



  • 例句与用法
  • A brief talk about application of false action in basketball games
  • For this , trainer and athlete should give high value to development and training of false action in the teaching and the training process
  • Plc may be interfered by outer factor to cause the confused program , then generate the false input and the error output , and cause the control facilities out of control and false action
  • It is designed for a power plant in order to reduce the workload of the relay protection workers , decrease the percentage of protection device ' s false action , and increase the work efficiency of the device in power plants
  • Firstly , when the 10kv high pressure motor start up , the rate of false action caused by automatic switch protector ( asp ) will raise dramatically ; secondly , at moment of on / off switch , great electromagnetic flux induced in the asp cause damage
  • Trust interests losses is like that : because of one side ' s false action in concluding a treaty which makes contract invalid or untenable and all kinds of fees and other losses ca n ' t be compensated of fault in concluding a treaty can take place in the course of concluding a treaty or after the contract taking effect 3 ) the side who breaks the previous contract obligation makes mistakes
    信赖利益损失,是指因另一方的缔约过失行为而使合同不能成立或无效,导致信赖人所支付的各种费用和其他损失不能得到弥补。缔约过失上的损失既可发生于缔约过程中,也可发生于合同有效成立后。 ( 3 )违反先合同义务的一方有过错。
  • 推荐英语阅读
false action的中文翻译,false action是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译false action,false action的中文意思,false action的中文false action in Chinesefalse action的中文false action怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
